Arabica vs. Robusta Coffee Beans

Arabica vs. Robusta Coffee Beans

January 27, 2024

Arabica vs. Robusta: What's the real deal?


You may have heard in commercials or marketing materials different coffee speces without knowing it.  Among the multiple varieties available, two stand out prominently: Arabica and Robusta. Understanding the differences between these two main types of coffee beans goes beyond mere trivia – it significantly influences the flavor, acidity, and overall quality of your coffee. In this article, we will unravel the characteristics that set Arabica and Robusta apart, providing a clearer picture for the average coffee lover.

Origins and Growing Conditions:

Arabica (Coffea arabica) and Robusta (Coffea canephora) coffee beans are sourced from different species of coffee plants, each with its unique geographical origin. Arabica, often hailed as the superior bean, is primarily grown in high-altitude regions with cooler temperatures. These areas include countries like Ethiopia, Colombia, and Brazil. On the other hand, Robusta thrives in lower-altitude tropical climates, mostly found in regions like Vietnam, Indonesia, and parts of Africa.

Plant Characteristics:

One of the key distinctions between Arabica and Robusta lies in the characteristics of the plants themselves. Arabica plants are generally smaller, with oval-shaped leaves and a more delicate structure. Robusta plants, on the contrary, are hardier and more robust (hence the name), featuring larger leaves and a more resilient demeanor. These differences in plant structure contribute to variances in flavor and aroma.

Flavor Profiles:

The flavor profile is perhaps the most influential factor for coffee roasters and coffee enthusiasts when choosing between Arabica and Robusta. Arabica beans are renowned for their complex and nuanced flavors, often described as having a wide range of notes including floral, fruity, and even sugary undertones. Additionally, Arabica beans tend to have a higher acidity, contributing to their bright and lively character. Third wave coffee roasters tend to stick to Arabicas.

Robusta beans, on the other hand, are known for their bold and robust flavor. Robusta coffee offers a stronger, more bitter taste, often accompanied by earthy or woody notes. While some might find the intensity of Robusta appealing, others prefer the subtlety and diversity of flavors that Arabica provides.

Acidity Levels:

Acidity is a crucial element in defining the taste profile of coffee. Arabica beans generally contain higher acidity, which contributes to their bright and crisp taste. This acidity is often associated with the perceived brightness and vibrancy of the coffee, this usually confirmed by a Q-grader. Robusta beans, on the contrary, have lower acidity, resulting in a more straightforward, earthy flavor with a pronounced bitterness.

Quality Perception:

Traditionally, Arabica coffee has been considered of higher quality compared to Robusta. This perception is rooted in the intricate flavors, higher acidity, and the perceived sophistication of Arabica beans. However, it's essential to note that personal preference plays a significant role, and many coffee enthusiasts appreciate the boldness and strength that Robusta brings to the table. Often Robusta coffees are cheaper, and often used as commercial grade coffee. However in recent years some coffee producers have worked hard to grow robustas that are specialty grade.


In the world of coffee, the choice between Arabica and Robusta is ultimately a matter of personal taste. While Arabica is celebrated for its intricate flavors, higher acidity, and perceived quality, Robusta has its own legion of fans who appreciate its boldness and intense characteristics. As a coffee lover, exploring both varieties and understanding the differences allows you to tailor your coffee experience to your unique preferences. We've roasted Robusta in the past, however sticking to our quality purchasing checklist, we often find outselves everting to Arabica to ensure you enjoy every sip! So, whether you find joy in the nuanced notes of Arabica or the robust strong earthy of Robusta, the world of coffee is yours to savor.